Site icon Kelly Hirn 's Transitional Leadership

One : One Leadership Coaching

Elevate your personal growth

Lead in All Areas of Life





Leadership Coaching Pillars

Consistent Action

— Making progress every single day

Not every action you take will be perfect. Honestly, perfection isn’t even the goal. Take consistent action every day to make progress toward your goals.

Strategic Planning

— revolutionizing the way you think

Cultivate a way of thinking that redirects your thoughts and actions to your primary vision and supporting goals. Sharing the vision starts with you retraining your focus first.

Self & Situational Awareness

— impacting yourself and those around you

Every situation calls for a little something different and it starts with knowing yourself and your immediate reactions and feelings. Then, understanding and navigating the situation you’re in to have the greatest impact.

Influencing and Enacting Change

— driving positive change in all areas of life

Use the skills you’ve learned to create and foster positive change in your home, community, in your relationships, and in your work. You’re influencing your future self, and others, every day. Start influencing change in the most positive way possible.

Uncover Your Leadership Abilities

Not all leaders manage people at work. You lead and influence people every day whether you’re intentional with those skills is another question. Polish up those skills that have been lying dormant. Learn to use them to have the greatest impact in your top priority area.

Enhance your Management Skills

Whether you’re a first-time supervisor or an experienced manager, you can sharpen your skills with direct feedback and a people first authentic style. Leadership coaching might be the right fit for you.

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Kelly’s style of coaching has proven to be highly effective and inspirational. Her approach to leading gave me the courage to step outside my comfort zone and achieve major goals in my life and at work. Kelly provides a unique perspective, valuable analysis, and encouraging feedback, allowing you to be the best version of yourself.


Not quite ready for coaching but want to keep growing?

Don’t worry friend, I got you.

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