Site icon Kelly Hirn 's Transitional Leadership

Hi! I’m Kelly

Welcome to my honest and transparent blog, Transitional Leadership. I am so glad you’re here. To introduce myself, I am a vastly imperfect Christian mother of three boys and wife to the most amazing man. I live in north central Wisconsin where my love of living from the land converges with the typical Amazon, smart TV, overly scheduled life we all live in. (I am sure I’m not alone in creating Pinterest boards to support my homesteading aspirations while in the Walmart check-out.) I am also a leader, always have been and always will be.

Being a leader as a relatively young woman while balancing (yes, I do say balancing) being a devoted wife, strong and caring mother, and supportive friend is a bit of a double edged sword. It is the leaders of the world who get the most done and live life to the fullest while doing it. However, if you add to those relationships your faith, home, health, finances, and all of the other critical pieces of life, you can sometimes wonder if you really wanted to live life that fully. The catch is, you don’t seem to be able to stop! It is just part of who some of us are. In the midst of all of that, and trying to put your whole self into all of it, I (truly, most of us) are hosing things up all day every day.

I am writing this blog for this exact reason

So come with me on this journey with me, you can join me in laughing at my mistakes while hopefully findings a few helpful nuggets that will assist you in avoiding some of those very pitfalls. If you get inspired by my transparency, ask a question or share a story. I would love to hear from you.

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