Embracing the Unseen Beauty in Each Stage of Growth

While everyone is going gaga over the fiery reds, blazing yellows, and dazzling oranges of fall foliage, I more look forward to this time of year. Backward, right? Well, my preferences are often a little backward from the majority and that’s alright with me. Call me crazy, but there’s something about this sea of green, the leaves and needles in each their own stage of growth, that lights me up. Now, my dear husband and a few others love to mock me for my unconventional preference. But hey, I’ve got an army of tree photos in my camera roll, and they can’t deny the captivating beauty I’ve captured. So, let me spill the leaves (see what I did there) and tell you why I find the newly budding green trees absolutely captivating.

You see, while autumn is clearly stunning, there’s just something magical about spring and early summer when nature comes alive with a burst of energy. It’s like a symphony of vibrant greens, as leaves unfurl, branches sway in the breeze, and the whole world seems to dance to the rhythm of growth. I can’t help but feel a deep appreciation for the subtle nuances that make each tree a work of art.

What am I seeing in each stage of growth?

When I look out over the beautiful waves of green I see all of the nuance and growth of each tree and how they work together with the full forest. Well, I think I figured it out. It’s the subtle and important differences between each tree that without taking the time to slow down and appreciate them, go unnoticed. I love that there are old, dark, drooping pine trees mixed in with bright green maples who’s leaves are still small and growing to full size for the season. There are trees with leaves so fresh and new that they almost look iridescent yellow with the sunlight behind them. Still others with established leaves already full and vibrant.

Now, you won’t be surprised to know that I liken it back to the development arena. When you look over the whole of your friends working toward their goals, or your colleagues working toward their professional goals, you might just see progress that is blanketly further along than you feel like you are. You can look out and just see the green of established leaves. When you look closer you realize that there is so much to gain from the variation of the stages.

This is a stage of growth for my running sure but also…. check out those little baby budding leaves.

Seeing Things Differently

Alright, let’s talk about perspective, shall we? There is such incredible variation in even the shades of one simple color. When you look at a forest from a hilltop, you might be tempted to say it’s all just one color but when you look closer you see all of the diversity that the one woods has to offer. All of the shades and shapes come together to create the beauty of the season. When you’re viewing yourself in your job, your community, or with your friend group it can be easy to think you’re just one more in the cookie cutter conveyor belt. You know what, you probably are pretty similar, but you’re not the same. You have those same subtle differences that help you stand out from the crowd and make your own incredible mark amidst the forest.

Seasons of life and growth

Now, get ready for some serious reflection, my friends. Where are you in your stage of growth? If you’re an OG of this blog you might remember that I’ve done a post about learning from trees before. (I really do love the dang things.) That one focused on taking a season of rest, if that is where you are, please click here to read it. Today, we’re talking growth so I want to you flip your perspective. If your stage of growth is similar unfurling baby leaf, it can feel like you’re just tiptoeing out into the world. No friend. Think about the immense effort, energy, and focus it takes for that tiny leaf, this totally different and new structure, to emerge forward from the branch. This is you friend. This is you pushing forward and growing at a record pace. Keep your own immense effort, energy, and focus to produce your leaves. Do you need a little support in leaning into the stage of growth you’re in and making the most of exactly where you’re at? Join me in the Goal Challenge. Click here to join and give those budding leaves the consistent energy infusion they need to flourish.

One side of this road is certainly NOT comparing itself to the other.

Embracing Variation and Finding Beauty

So far I’ve told you a bit about what trees do, well, here is something they don’t do. They do not compare their stage of growth to any other tree in the woods. There is no Maple jealous of a Poplar for being further along. There is no Oak with a chip on their shoulder for Balsams because they never lost their needles. We, on the other hand, often compare ourselves to others, feeling like we’re lagging behind while they’re sprinting towards success. But here’s the thing: just like these trees, we all have our own pace and unique journey. Some might have their leaves fully established, while others are still budding with potential. It’s about embracing our individual path, appreciating the different stages of growth, and celebrating our own magnificent journey. No comparisons, no FOMO—just pure self-love and growth.

Have I convinced you yet?

So, as I continue my love affair with green trees, I invite you to join me in uncovering the inspiration of this often-overlooked season. It’s time to celebrate the beauty of variation and find joy in the different stages of our personal development. Just like those fresh, budding leaves hold the promise of growth, we have the power to evolve, learn, and bloom. Instead of getting caught up in comparing ourselves to others, let’s revel in the diverse experiences and progress of those around us. By doing so, we gain inspiration, wisdom, and a profound appreciation for our own journey. Remember, life is too short to be green with envy. Embrace your shade of green and let your growth shine.

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